This thought nags my mind every week...Are we doing the best we can to raise our children to their full potential?Is the "Best" I mentioned above the"Best" for the kids..or the what we perceive it to be?Should we constantly throw them into activities and see what sticks?Oh..the pressure..of not being certain that you are making the correct choices.
This makes me wonder..did I make good choices in my life till now?Have I been successful in what I deemed to be important to my life?Am I making it difficult for my kids to make good choices?How does someone objectively measure the quality of life we provide for our kids?
It is not only the everyday affect we have on our kids but the long-term effect that may be caused by my actions.Am I responsible for my kids actions in school,college and later in Life?Did I sow the seeds for her success/goals/ambitions?