This thought nags my mind every week...Are we doing the best we can to raise our children to their full potential?Is the "Best" I mentioned above the"Best" for the kids..or the what we perceive it to be?Should we constantly throw them into activities and see what sticks?Oh..the pressure..of not being certain that you are making the correct choices.
This makes me wonder..did I make good choices in my life till now?Have I been successful in what I deemed to be important to my life?Am I making it difficult for my kids to make good choices?How does someone objectively measure the quality of life we provide for our kids?
It is not only the everyday affect we have on our kids but the long-term effect that may be caused by my actions.Am I responsible for my kids actions in school,college and later in Life?Did I sow the seeds for her success/goals/ambitions?
I'm about to embark on this very same journey as my son is due in 3 weeks.
All you can really do is what you are already doing. Look at your life and life experiences and take note of the decisions you are proud of. Those that don't make this list should be examined a bit to see how you could have done differently. I expect that most of the situations never had a clear cut answer, but it came down to your gut feelings/basic morals. Even so, if the answers SEEMED right at the time, they were probably as close to the best answer as one could ask for.
The fact that you are even questioning if you are qualified to ensure your children will be raised right alludes to the fact that you very likely ARE qualified. Being worried about something that important shows that your heart and mind are in the right place, and it is likely that your
If nothing else, you can be a guide for your children; a moral compass if you will.
As for their activities, I figure it is best to expose them to the many opportunities that are available to them, but you don't necessarily have to throw them into each and every one. For one, they are likely to become overwhelmed. If they show interest in something, definitely nurture that, as dissuading them would almost certainly put a damper on their self confidence. (i.e. their own desires aren't good enough, they aren't allowed to follow their own ambitions, etc).
It really helps that my wife does a the bulk of "doing"..I am merely a thinker.I guess it is a constant process of evaluation.Hopefully we dont do Trial and error.
To throw a wrench into all this,my 2nd one is the polar opposite of my 1st and so we have to think anew and cant use any of our learnt experience;) is both a challenge and comfort at the same time..
Must be an exciting time getting ready for your son:)
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