Thursday, December 22, 2005

Birthday party at 32!!

Went to my sons friends bday party one saturday.Had pizza,fun and went back home..SURPRISE!!!Camera flashing,video I was in the spotlight..All my friends were there..atleast those that could make it.I was dazed.I couldnt believe that Vidya(my wife) had actually arranged all this.She has never ever surprised me before and also on this grand scale..there was food ,music ,games..all the kids had videos to watch..Amazing!!2 hours into the party she is still busy you know talking to people she is meeting for the first time and I am still dazed!Unbelievable..I steal a moment..a kiss..a thank you..It was too surreal.
The most amazing part was ..we had another secret we hadnt told anybody else..she was 8 weeks pregnant!!!She was nauseous,tired and sleepy(unlike the first time when she was pregnant and that was smooth sailaing all the way)..I just couldnt beleive she had taken the time everyday last 2 weeks to arrange this party..
Man..I thought ..I must be lucky..Did I tell you that I have never had a Birthday party in my life!First time in 32 yrs and that was great!!Felt like a kid..a little embarrasing at times..but the thoughtfulness(is that a word) was aawwright!!!.Nice!
That was the memories on tape.

Those who Came:

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