Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Skull & Bones on Cigarette Packs

The Indian Government decided today(oct 9th) to mandate pictorial depiction of the dangers of smoking on Cigarette packs.There should be a skull & bones symbol along with oral-cancer depcitions.Also the words "Smoking Kills" should be imprinted on the side and should cover 50% of the printed area.

In contrast,in the US we dont have such signs.Smoking kills 700000 Indians every year(only 400000 in US).Even the words on the box states something akin to "Smoking causes Lung Cancer and MAY complicate pregnancy".So it is a step in the right direction for India..I guess.

The highest influence on smokers is during the College days.These youngsters dont buy packs but in singles(or how many ever they can afford at a time).So the general smokers will avoid seeing the signs and pictures warning against smoking.SO how can the government reach them.Make mandatory advertisements to show that 50% of the area be covered with the warnings.

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